
Money Earning Site Yearly Summary

So on this Thanksgiving Day, I am going to post a summary of my earnings from various money earning websites. I figure it is good for me to post this sort of thing somewhere just so that I can look back and see how I did versus previous goals. I know that usually happens closer…Continue readingMoney Earning Site Yearly Summary


Money Website Update & Tricks

Several months ago I had an entry about other ways of making money. After that post, I kept up on trying to earn extra cash for a good month before giving up. Some of the sites netted me no money after a couple of months of effort. Some offered some money but not enough to…Continue readingMoney Website Update & Tricks


Other Ways of Earning Money

In my last post, I talked a lot about writing as a second job. Well the inherent problem with that is that it doesn’t exactly get me money right away.Continue readingOther Ways of Earning Money


eWhy eHow has ePromise

I recently have gotten into eHow. For those that don’t know, eHow is a site in which you write up an article about how to do something, and post it. But it doesn’t end there, you get a cut of all the advertising that eHow gets from your article so it becomes a potential money…Continue readingeWhy eHow has ePromise


Automotive Bailouts

Anybody who reads my blog fairly regularly realizes that when it comes to politics that I tend to lean to the left fairly strongly. So it is odd to me that I am here blogging about a subject in which I apparently am being conservative on. Because honestly when it comes to all these bailouts,…Continue readingAutomotive Bailouts


First Paycheck

Yesterday I got my first paycheck! Yay! I gotta say it feels good to get some income. I really needed it. This is weirdly my first job in six or seven years so it is kind of weird. The paycheck wasn’t much, only a couple hundred bucks, but when you consider that I only got…Continue readingFirst Paycheck