[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wn69OC8zAuc?wmode=opaque&w=306&h=172]
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9sLjl1Yf_hM?wmode=opaque&w=306&h=172]
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dnkIN1BNTys?wmode=opaque&w=306&h=172]
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zCtJ6OYeENI?wmode=opaque&w=306&h=172]
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZMrXBq2sn1M?wmode=opaque&w=306&h=172]

Chrono Trigger Review

I finally completed my first play through of Chrono Trigger and… I gotta say… I was pretty disappointed in it overall. I do wonder if this might be a somewhat reaction to the hype of the game. I am a firm believer in hype affecting what you think of something. If you go into a movie thinking it’s not going to be good, and it turns out OK, you end up liking it much better than if you went into it thinking that this is going to be AMAZING and then you end up thinking it was terrible just because…

Collecting Physical Movies

I recently read an article on people who are still buying DVDs and it got me thinking of my own history of DVDs and I have a fair amount to say on the subject. First of all… I really hate how that article considers DVDs, Blu-Rays, and 4K all the same thing. If you are buying 4K movies, you are the same as people who buy DVDs.. and that’s a strange connection. Sure, they are all disc-based, but so was Laserdisc. (Also as an aside, Samsung made DVD, Sony made BluRay.) But I digress… When DVD was first announced, I…

Final Fantasy Pixel Remake Review

Every year over the past 7 or 8 years or so I spend time near the end of the year replaying the original Final Fantasy. I do it as sort of a reminder to myself of why I love games and a slight reminder of whom I used to be. Each year I play the game a little differently… I’ve played all fighters, all mages, all blackbelts… this year it was time to play as all thieves. I’ve also played in different formats, for instance, last year I chose to play it on the NES mini. So this year I…

A Month of Glimesh

It has been a little over a month since I began streaming on Glimesh. I decided not to stream the first couple of days because, for one, the game I was going to play wasn’t in my hands anyway, but I also knew that there were going to be a lot of crashes the first couple of days and I hoped that they would be gone for the most part if I just waited a tad. I do think the servers were better by the time I got streaming, but it wasn’t really until a full week later that they…

It’s Glimesh Time!

I had already been contemplating the idea of returning to streaming pretty much since last November. But I had been doing a fair job of talking myself out for the most part. Obviously, I have gotten very close. But one of the things that had really been stopping me is that I just don’t like the streaming services that are available. I think had I had this urge and Mixer was still around, I would have been streaming for the last few months already. I just don’t want to support Facebook & Amazon… and Google is putting almost no effort…