
Upcoming Super Hero Movies

Has been a busy few weeks when it comes to super hero movies. A lot of interesting info has come out from Marvel and DC and I have a lot of thoughts in regards to all of it so I wanted to take a moment and put them into writing. Let’s start with  DC. DC…Continue readingUpcoming Super Hero Movies


DC’s New 52 – Month 2 review

The second month for DC Comics has come and gone. I was kind of hoping for there to be more on the mysterious woman in red, but alas she nearly disappeared out of this month, showing up in only Batman #2 as far as I could tell. Toward the end of the month, in the editorial, they did put in a piece about her and said that more would be coming from the Justice League comics, which I’ll have to read from a friend as I don’t care for those myself.
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DC’s New 52 – Week 5 Review

I doubt I will be doing this on a weekly basis anymore. I am still buying comics into the second month of DC’s new 52, but I am buying far fewer. In the first month, I would take risks on what looked cool, or what other reviewers really liked. And some I really liked, some I didn’t. The second month I am going more for what interested me most in the first month. It is turning out to be about half of what I bought in the first month, and I expect to halve it another time for the third month.Continue readingDC’s New 52 – Week 5 Review


DC’s New 52 – Week 4

Out of the weeks I felt like Week 4 was the closest to being an actual reboot as its gotten. Many of the comics proved to be actual #1s or at least close to it, and I appreciated it for the most part. The quality of the comics still went up and down but that is always going to happen. With that…Continue readingDC’s New 52 – Week 4


DC’s New 52 – Week 3

I realize I am a little behind on actual postings on this. My method of picking up the New 52 comics is to pick up anywhere between 4 to 6 that I absolutely want to read when they are launched. I will then read reviews on what remains and pick out what are potentially the…Continue readingDC’s New 52 – Week 3


DC’s New 52 – Week 1 & 2

If you are a fan of comic books at all, you may already know…. DC decided to reboot their entire line of comics starting off every line with a #1 in the month of September. An obvious ploy to garner sluggish sales yes, but the move could be uniquely genius. Many people have left the…Continue readingDC’s New 52 – Week 1 & 2