
Goals of 2014-2015

Tis that time of year again where I review what happened to me in the previous year and think about what needs to occur in the coming  year. It was an off year for me and many of my goals from last year fell by the wayside unfortunately. This happened I think largely due to…Continue readingGoals of 2014-2015

Games Life

To Those Who Have Inspired and Saved Me…

Video Games are an extremely important part of my life. I mean, as regular of a blogger I may not be, I do blog about them and that sort of proves the point of just how much they mean to me. I picked up on video games at a very early age and though I…Continue readingTo Those Who Have Inspired and Saved Me…


A Crazy Summer ’14

I openly admit that my blogging generally dies down come summertime. The reason is obvious. I live in Wisconsin and there are precious few months where we can go outside and enjoy being outside. So come summer every year, I go for walks and trips to the cottage and fairs and other outdoorsy like activities.…Continue readingA Crazy Summer ’14



Where have I gone? Where have I been? How do I change just who that I am? How do I find the one that I love? I don’t believe God has left me alone. Yet here I do sit, stranded alone at home.Continue readingHome


My love

There is a hole in me, a hole you were meant to fill. I feel empty and alone, cold and unchallenged. I look at my hand and it seems empty without your fingers intertwined with mine. My fingertips push nothing without your hair that hides your face. I can’t watch anything without your eyes to…Continue readingMy love

Featured Goals

Goals of 2013-2014

Happy New Years! I can’t believe it is already 2014, 2013 seemed go by in lightning time. It was a big year for me with a ton of changes. Hopefully most of the change in my life will settle down for 2014, but not too much. Here’s my yearly review of goals as well as…Continue readingGoals of 2013-2014