
The Belt

Great sins I must have made For the beatings to be paid My warden most divine Encases me in solitary But the punishment fit not the crime A father’s abuse I need not see Yet Jesus loves me this I know… for the bible tells me so.Continue readingThe Belt


The Paper

Who screwed you? Was it man? Was it woman? Were they gentle? Were they firm? Was it fast? Did they take their time? Did they twist? Did they turn? Did they drill? Did they hit the stud? Why did they screw you? You were frail and thin. Up against the wall. You didn’t need so…Continue readingThe Paper



Where have I gone? Where have I been? How do I change just who that I am? How do I find the one that I love? I don’t believe God has left me alone. Yet here I do sit, stranded alone at home.Continue readingHome