It has been years since Raph Koster first collected the wisdom of various MMORPG enthusiasts and developers and wrote down a list of Laws of Online World Design. I don’t even think he has touched it for many years, I bet the last edit happened sometime after Dark Age of Camelot was released, given that…Continue readingNew Laws for MMO Design
Category: Games
Lego Batman Review
Well the last couple of my posts haven’t been about games so I decided today to get back on track with a review of [amazonify]B000ZKBJYG::text::::Lego Batman[/amazonify]. I had actually gotten this game a few weeks ago but I put off playing it because I was busy with work, and then I needed to give myself…Continue readingLego Batman Review
$OE Strikes Again
Sony Online Entertainment announced their new micro-transaction model for both Everquest and Everquest 2 recently, deciding to take American MMORPGs in an entirely new direction. I can’t say that anyone in particular was surprised by the move. Sony has long been on the forefront at finding new ways to charge MMO players more money than they already were paying.Continue reading$OE Strikes Again
Cartographer’s Annual ’07 part 2
Second part of my run through of the Cartographer’s Annual 2007 takes me from May through August. These four don’t seem quite as good as the original four, but there is still quality in it.Continue readingCartographer’s Annual ’07 part 2
After two long years of putting it off, I finally get around to using and reviewing the first four months of the 2007 Cartographer’s Annual by ProFantasy. Everything a budding cartographer might need for their CC3 software.Continue readingCartographer’s Annual ’07 Review pt. 1
The Wrong Kind of Itch
Of late, I have had an itch to work on my game design. This is great in some respects. I love thinking about how MMOs work and it offers me a good number of posts as I start bringing my thoughts onto my blog. Which obviously this blog is about game design in the first…Continue readingThe Wrong Kind of Itch