
Can CoH be saved?

Every now and then I get a hankering to play City of Heroes again, lately I’ve been getting into this urge again and have reactivated my account just a short time ago. COH (I realize some call it CoX since Villains but come on, you can’t do this to an established name) is actually in…Continue readingCan CoH be saved?

Classes Games

Weekly Response #9

This week’s response is to Ducheneaut, Yee, Nickell, & Moore’s “Alone Together?” paper on social dynamics in MMOs using World of Warcraft.Continue readingWeekly Response #9


Sims 2: Seasons

It has been a couple of weeks since I first got Seasons, and have had ample time to mess around with it and see what it has and how it is.First of all, what I expected and what I got.Continue readingSims 2: Seasons


Why does everyone like WoW?

I read this article of a Korean professor who did a study on why people like WoW, or really more specifically the cultural differences behind why people say they play WoW. This got me thinking, as while the article is interesting (I’d like to see the actual presentation that Wi made to see how much…Continue readingWhy does everyone like WoW?


New Tunaria

I recently decided to go and check out New Tunaria in EoF. I am now level 60 and the game says this is a 55-65 zone so I thought I’d take a look. I found a quest that goes in there to boot so I’ve been trying to do that while I go in.Continue readingNew Tunaria


Gamestop Employee

This is a post responding to our dear friend the Gamestop Employee. You can read his post here, and I’m not sure where the hell he is going to find sympothy but I do want to make sure that he feels that hassle he gets from Gamestop is nothing. I’m just going to go through his post point by point.Continue readingGamestop Employee