
New Computer Needed

Perhaps the most annoying part of the fact that I have no money due to a new mortgage and car loan is that I really really need a new computer. The current computer that I have is still operational, but I think a couple of the fans are Dying and it now makes a lot…Continue readingNew Computer Needed



Depression is a funny thing. Well… not funny ha ha, but you know funny. I am definitely depressed right now. It is all I can do to not cry pretty much everywhere I am. It is weird too because I don’t think that things are generally that much worse than they have been previously.Continue readingDepression


New Project: RPG Complex

Shortly before I went MIA on this blog for the summer, I put up a post that I was starting work on a new RPG project. Well, we have since started on a new project and called it RPG Complex. I will say this project hit the same hiatus as my blog. The summer was…Continue readingNew Project: RPG Complex


Retro Game Collecting

Last year for Christmas, my sister was getting ready to move out of state and thus was getting rid of a lot of stuff.  Some of the items that they indicated that they were putting up for sale was their old Nintendo system and games. Naturally i bought them at a fairly low price because…Continue readingRetro Game Collecting


Final Thoughts on the Wii

With the Nintendo Wii U officially out now, I thought it might be appropriate to reflect upon the Wii given that it’s life cycle is finally complete. It is hard to believe that it has been a full six years, thinking on that it is odd that some have said it is too early for…Continue readingFinal Thoughts on the Wii


Novel Writing Month

One of the guys who works with me is another wannabe writer just like myself. He introduced to me the concept of Novel Writing Month which is every November. The idea of it is to write a novel start to finish in the month of November. I gotta say, what a freaking terrible idea. Ok…Continue readingNovel Writing Month