
First Thoughts with Pokemon X

It has been a week since Pokemon X first made its worldwide launch. I have played with it a little, but I’ll be honest that my opportunities to play has been limited until this weekend. So while it has been out for a long time, I just got past the second gym leader. With that,…Continue readingFirst Thoughts with Pokemon X


An Open Letter to Valve

It has been a big week for you Valve. You have announced the new Steam Operating System, the long rumored steambox and even a controller meant for Steam. You are quickly finding yourself on your way to the home console market. But l want to put out a few requests… First, don’t compete with the…Continue readingAn Open Letter to Valve


A New Employment Era Dawns

This week is the culmination of five years at a company at a crap job, where I did get a promotion once, but that promotion was in essence the same job as was previous. This week was the last thing to change in my life in the last year. This week, I got a new…Continue readingA New Employment Era Dawns


MDA Marathon

The MDA marathon holds an interesting spot in my heart. When I was a kid, for some odd reason I often found myself awake through the night what seems like every single labor day. I found myself awake the entire night not because I wanted to watch the marathon, but because I was having bleeding…Continue readingMDA Marathon

Site News

Online Anniversary Site Update

In celebration of my 20th Online Anniversary, I decided to go do a minor update to the website. These updates aren’t huge but were meant to help streamline things a little bit. I essentially switch to the new default WordPress theme of TwentyThirteen. I saw the theme and completely loved it, made some coloring modifications…Continue readingOnline Anniversary Site Update


Daughter Gone

Well had a vacation over the last week. Sent home my daughter yesterday. All is good in the home now. More quiet, is nice after 2.5 weeks of having a child lolContinue readingDaughter Gone