
Virtual Worlds Weekly #11

I think I forgot last week’s assignment. I need to go back and post that at some point because I felt it was a fairly good response. This week’s response focuses on fan fiction and corporations and I also thought it turned out fairly well too. Enjoy.Continue readingVirtual Worlds Weekly #11


EQ2’s Tradeskills

Ok, EQ2 doesn’t have a very stellar tradeskill system, in fact looking at most of the recent systems coming out in new games it seems to me as if everyone has just kind of given up on tradeskills and is resigned to just let it be “grind grind grind yer way to the cap.”Continue readingEQ2’s Tradeskills


Can CoH be saved?

Every now and then I get a hankering to play City of Heroes again, lately I’ve been getting into this urge again and have reactivated my account just a short time ago. COH (I realize some call it CoX since Villains but come on, you can’t do this to an established name) is actually in…Continue readingCan CoH be saved?


Why does everyone like WoW?

I read this article of a Korean professor who did a study on why people like WoW, or really more specifically the cultural differences behind why people say they play WoW. This got me thinking, as while the article is interesting (I’d like to see the actual presentation that Wi made to see how much…Continue readingWhy does everyone like WoW?

Classes Gaming

Weekly Response #1

I thought it might be fun to post my weekly responses for my Virtual World Studies class. I think they will mostly take the form of my current journeys in World of Warcraft, but may also take the form of what responses on what we are reading and thoughts in classContinue readingWeekly Response #1


EQ2: Lesser Faydark

After long last, I finally got into a new zone in EoF. The jump between Steamfont and Lesser Faydark is huge, you can’t really go straight from one to the other, you really need to stop over in Feerrott, Everfrost, Lavastorm, and Sinking Sands first. There is a dungeun instance that you could go to…Continue readingEQ2: Lesser Faydark