
Joining a Raiding Guild

On Saturday, someone I had previously grouped with messaged me and asked me if I wanted to join this new raiding guild that was starting up. Now normally I would generally say screw off, and move along. But of late, I have been fairly unhappy with both the game and with our recent raiding alliance.Continue readingJoining a Raiding Guild


EQuinox reviewed

I got my copy of EQuinox a few weeks ago and have read through most of it… I haven’t read two of the fan fictions within the magazine but now that school has started I don’t think I’m really going to have time to get to it for awhile, so I’m just going to review…Continue readingEQuinox reviewed


Legends of Norrath

So I’ve been beta testing SOE’s new trading card game for EQ1 & EQ2 for the past week and today the game went live officially so today I guess I can talk about the game a little bit. Now keep in mind there are some things I do not know about the game… for instance,…Continue readingLegends of Norrath


Gold Pharmers

Back in the days of Asheron’s Call and Ultima Online, a lot of people sold stuff on eBay and made some money. I personally sold stuff in order to make up the cost of the game to help myself afford it. At the time I did not have a job, this was a luxury that…Continue readingGold Pharmers


Guild Troubles

This last weekend we had some guild drama. So our guild has never been big, and many in our guild do not want it to be big (leaders included). It is a rule free, fairly rank free guild, that by design is meant to limit the drama and strangers (some might call this family oriented).Continue readingGuild Troubles


The Four Categories of MMOs and their relation to each other

Yesterday in class, my professor was talking about Worldiness vs. Gaminess in MMOs and categorized EQ as more of a worldey game and WoW as more of a gamey game. The second part I don’t really mind, but the first part I thought was odd as while EQ does indeed have more of a world…Continue readingThe Four Categories of MMOs and their relation to each other