
Mad About You

I watch Mad About You every morning before class and this morning’s (and yesterday morning’s) episode is the series finale. This to me is one of the best, if not the best modern day finales for a show. These days it seems that most these shows either try too hard, or just show recaps (Seinfeld) for their finale, and they aren’t good…. In Mad About You, it was touching… it wasn’t just like they split up or something… it was the story of the rest of their marriage in 1 hour. It was surprising, it was sad, it was funny, it was happy, and it was good. Really good.

Although, you know I really loved the show as a whole. It gave me hope that some day I would find someone, a hope that these days is dying in me.  This show, in my opinion is at the very least the second best relationship sitcom in television history, only possibly behind I Love Lucy if you feel that is a relationship show (as it wasn’t really about a family or anything like that either).

It was an amazing show, and Paul Reiser should be proud of it because it really is premium. The emmys they won while they were on were well deserved, and the ones they lost were a crime. It was well written, well acted, and well directed. It is a shame that all good things must come to an end… there is so few good things on television these days.