Games Goals

GLS Conference 3.0

I went to the GLS Conference this past week. I wanted to start going to more conferences so that can network better and chose this particular one because it was here in town so that I didn’t have to worry about paying for hotel stay and travel arrangements and such. This conference is a small…Continue readingGLS Conference 3.0



I recently have been playing Uplink which you can get off Steam for about $10. This game is an older game made by an indie development team I think around 2000 or 2001. The game is really genius. It puts you in the role of a hacker working for some weird hacker corporation. You take…Continue readingUplink


Humanities Building, the one no one likes

Today in the Wisconsin State Journal was an article about the future of the Humanities Building on the UW Campus. This building has been on the chopping block for the school over the last couple of years and it has been at the center of a large debate, as the article accurately suggests. There is…Continue readingHumanities Building, the one no one likes

Medical Movies Politics


On Sunday I went to the Sundance Cinema with my roommate and saw Sicko. I thought it was fairly good, not as good as Bowling for Columbine but much better than Roger & Me, and slightly better than Fahrenheit 9/11.Continue readingSicko


New Keyboard & Headset

Well a couple of days ago I went out and bought a couple new pieces to my computer that I wasn’t expecting to get for quite awhile; a new keyboard and headset.Continue readingNew Keyboard & Headset


Random Annoyances

My roommate is currently out to lunch with her father so I got the apartment to myself and quiet for a moment. I need to go to the hospital for medicine, but really I don’t want to because these times happen so little.  So yeah, I’m still being bothered by her constantly being home. She…Continue readingRandom Annoyances