
Personal Trainer: Cooking Review

For Christmas this year, I got Personal Trainer: Cooking from my best friend. It was a completely unexpected gift as I hadn’t really talked about it much, I mean I had mentioned it but I never asked for it or anything. I would have never bought it on my own, but I did have a…Continue readingPersonal Trainer: Cooking Review


Games and the Economy

Everyone these days is taking a hit because of the economy. Even the Games industry to some degree, there have been many studio closings over the past several months. Yet, the video game industry as of yet hasn’t been hit nearly as hard as other companies, after all this last Christmas they saw more video…Continue readingGames and the Economy

Game Design

Girl Play Spaces

I am reading Pikachu’s Global Adventure right now at work (yes I have time ample time to read at work), and the beginning of it discusses Henry Jenkins’ whole spiel on games as virtual play spaces. Basically this says that games act in the way that the world used to for children, but no longer…Continue readingGirl Play Spaces

Game Design

Is This Game Fun?

This article that I wrote last Saturday got me wondering on how you could make this type of event a video game. The inherent problem with any game which tackles a real life issue is that invariable anyone would eventually ask “Well what fun would that be?” The reason for this is that the base…Continue readingIs This Game Fun?


Landmarks in Games

Last night I realized that I never finished Zelda: Wind Waker and I got to think of why that was. I really loved the game for a lot of reasons. But in the end I just couldn’t bring myself to finish it. I started to realize that the issue laid in the fact that I…Continue readingLandmarks in Games


The problem with the Wii control

Let me preface this post with the fact that I like the Wii remote. I think it is the fresh change in the gaming world that was much needed to bring some innovation into what has become drab games. And many games do use the control very very well.Continue readingThe problem with the Wii control