
Problems Roleplaying

Going along the lines of my recent Shadowrun 4 review, I thought I would go into my personal progression into roleplaying. It has been a year now since I began roleplaying on a nearly weekly basis. Most of the rest of the group has been there week in and week out as well. Some more…Continue readingProblems Roleplaying


Thoughts on Shadowrun 4

It has been almost a year now since I started playing Forth edition Shadowrun with a group. And some things have progressed some things haven’t. But I wanted to give my overall thoughts of SR4.  I am by no means an expert on the system, even after a year which I guess could show that…Continue readingThoughts on Shadowrun 4

Gaming Life


A friend at work recently asked me to join his group of friends to play a series of pen and paper Shadowrun games. I happily took the opportunity. For one, it helps me get out of the house once a week. Two, it helps me meet new people which I’ve always struggled to do in…Continue readingRoleplaying