Site News

Entrecard Review

I’ve had Entrecard for a week or two now and thought I would write about how it has worked out for me thus far. It definitely has its ups and downs, and it isn’t quite what it was advertised either which kind of sucks. However, does the new age of link exchanges really work? Is…Continue readingEntrecard Review

Site News

Some SEO upgrades to the Site

I realize it is a little bit weird to talk about the actual site instead of something going on in my life, but over the weekend I put a pretty large amount of effort into making the site a little more SEO friendly. I have to say that it is a very interesting experience looking…Continue readingSome SEO upgrades to the Site


Is Cuil Cool?

The new kid on the block that has been making a lot of headlines over the last week is the new search engine by some former Google employees called The developers of this site are promising two main things with Cuil. They are promising more relavant searching as well as private searching. I’ve been…Continue readingIs Cuil Cool?