
Thinking back to AC & AC2

The Asheron’s Call series remains as my favorite series of MMO. Sure it wasn’t the easiest games in the world, or even the most intuitive, but it was far more realistic than any game out there, the lore was great and original, the mechanics were sound, and they had (at least at the time) some…Continue readingThinking back to AC & AC2



It has been awhile now in the raiding guild and overall I gotta say it isn’t working out. I like raiding a lot and have the time to do it, moreover I think I am talented enough to do it and well enough geared as well. However, the guild itself is kind of sucky. The…Continue readingRaiding


Suggestions for next EQ2 Expansion

Looking at the bunch of expansions there are some things worth noting… I think the current progression of what worked best and what hasn’t is Eof, KoS, and then RoK and DoF are very close to each other. Currently I would rank RoK slightly ahead of DoF which was an expansion that I never liked in the least bit, both in theme and in content. Before I began my ideas, I wanted to do a quick rundown on the positives and negatives of each of the expansions to date.Continue readingSuggestions for next EQ2 Expansion

Featured Gaming

Another Raiding Guild

So feeling a little ripped off about my previous guild ending before we really got the chance to go raiding, I decided to start applying to other, more established raiding guilds to at least be able to go and see the raids occur, see the zones, and at least get some loot. I tried a…Continue readingAnother Raiding Guild


Raiding Guild Goodbye

In all honesty, I thought that my next report on the raiding guild I had joined would be a pretty good one. As it turned out though it will not be. I was having a pretty good time in it, I was getting groups much easier, people there were willing to play and they were…Continue readingRaiding Guild Goodbye


Joining a Raiding Guild

On Saturday, someone I had previously grouped with messaged me and asked me if I wanted to join this new raiding guild that was starting up. Now normally I would generally say screw off, and move along. But of late, I have been fairly unhappy with both the game and with our recent raiding alliance.Continue readingJoining a Raiding Guild