
Infection turns to Surgery

After 6 weeks, the infection finally burst out of my skin and my doctors finally took it seriously. They brought me in fairly quickly, stuck a needle in the site and drew out some of the substance in order to test it to see what it was. Surprise, an infection. The next day they were…Continue readingInfection turns to Surgery


Infections Abound

A couple weeks ago now, I went to Ohio to see my brother. I haven’t been to his place in nearly five years, so it was a pretty big event. When I got home, my roommate brought sickness with, and so did my mom. It took me a few days, but eventually the sickness did…Continue readingInfections Abound


Battling Infection?

Do I have an infection? I don’t know, it seems like I do, but the doctor’s say I don’t but don’t have any answer on what is going on…Continue readingBattling Infection?


Emotional Cutter

I have recently begun going to a therapist because of late I seem to be going down some bad paths.  In my mind’s eye I feel that I am clearly depressed, I have many of the symptoms of depression. I sleep a lot, eat a lot, never feel happy, never really want to do anything…Continue readingEmotional Cutter


An update on the surgery

So it has been about a month and a half since my operation and I just wanted to share the status with it. It seems to have all gone over well. My shoulder area is not in pain anymore, and it seems to have healed nicely.Continue readingAn update on the surgery

Classes Life Medical

In trouble

This week I seemed to turn a corner in my medication, and it isn’t a good one. I have yet to go to class this week is the simple way to say that things are going wrong… the more complicated part of it is that I don’t understand why I haven’t gone to class this week.Continue readingIn trouble