
E3 News Sites

In previous years, I had actually gotten a subscription to either gamespot or IGN for the events at E3. Largely because a few years ago all the sites stopped really covering the event for free. So if you really wanted to get all the latest info of what was happening in the even these services…Continue readingE3 News Sites


Wii & Price

Well I think Nintendo made their first big mistake in the Wii wars. Honestly I thought the change to Wii from Revolution was good, I too liked Revolution better but I’m the gamer, they are looking for more than the gamer. I think the Wii was more attractive to a wider audience, so overall it…Continue readingWii & Price


Spores away

Ok so like a couple weeks ago I said I was going to be dedicating like 15 minutes a day to this blog and I never did it until now because, well finals were this week and I had 5 papers, 2 finals, an oral final, and 2 presentations to give. Well now I’m done…Continue readingSpores away