
Goals of 2009

I know it is a bit of a cliche to set goals with the new year, but it does offer me a chance to set things to work towards. This year, I am going to set myself some really generic goals as you will see, but all of them I think are fairly attainable and make sense for where I am in my life.

My first goal is to lose weight. Yes this is the most used New Year’s Resolution of all time, but with Wii Fit I have decided to take up the challenge and become more serious about it. I currently weigh about 219 lbs. and while my current Wii Fit goal is to get down to about 204, I think I would be happy if I could get to a sustainable 209 by the end of the year. This isn’t much of a weight drop, but I think for this sort of thing that it is better to lower it by a small amount and actually reach it and maintain it than it is to lose a lot. Once I can sustain that lower weight, I can try to get under 200.

Next, I’d like to get serious about writing. I have actually gotten slightly better about it of late. I make sure to at least look at it every day even if I don’t write. And I have been thinking about it more. My next step is to get writing every day. Even if it is a small amount like 200-300 words. Yeah that isn’t pro writing, but it gets me in the rhythm. Writing is a lot like exercising in that if you don’t get yourself in the rhythm, whole months will pass by without writing a thing. So I just need to get there. When I get the rhythm going, then I can start increasing the words per day.

Lastly, I want to get more monetarily responsible. I probably spend something every week that I probably don’t need to. I have a bunch of games that I haven’t completed and some I haven’t even really played yet, I still will go out and buy more that I want though. This needs to stop. I’m going to stop paying for my MMO habit for the first time in years which I also think will help me save some money as well. The last thing I need to do is save on restaurants. I probably go out to eat maybe two or three times a week. Of those, I likely pay for two of the times a week. If we lower our weekly restaurant time to once per week, where each of us pays for every other week. We will save a lot of money in and of itself.

So that’s my list of New Year’s Resolutions. I realize there isn’t anything mind-boggling on it, but I think they are all fairly reasonable expectations that I can actually make. So here’s to hoping I actually get there.

2 replies on “Goals of 2009”

I still believe in setting goals on every first day of the new year, it helps us motivate ourselves. May you have a prosperous, blessed and a happy new year, Razakius.
I dropped an EC here.

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