Site News

A few changes

You may have noticed something new in the sidebar. I joined up with twitter because I think it is a cool idea, and it is complimentary to my blog anyway. I plan on adding new twitter posts via my mobile phone from time to time to update what I’m up to while I’m away from…Continue readingA few changes

Site News

Updated and rarin

Over the past several days I’ve been trying to get some updates to my WordPress installation in place and having issues with the final update to WordPress 2.5. If anyone has had issues I apologize however it was unavoidable. Now it seems all to be working fine. Many of the new features and looks are…Continue readingUpdated and rarin

Site News

Small Site Tweaks

Some may have noticed the icons on the bottom of every post that I added a week or two ago. This is for various social sites to make it easy to add a post to them. There originally were far too many and I got those narrowed down to about a dozen which should make…Continue readingSmall Site Tweaks

Site News

Couple more new things

Over the last few days I worked on adding some more features. Of course I added another google skyscraper add to the very bottom of the right column, this one will always be at the bottom, and will only appear on the front page, search pages, and archives. The next addition I’ve done is that…Continue readingCouple more new things

Featured Gaming

Another Raiding Guild

So feeling a little ripped off about my previous guild ending before we really got the chance to go raiding, I decided to start applying to other, more established raiding guilds to at least be able to go and see the raids occur, see the zones, and at least get some loot. I tried a…Continue readingAnother Raiding Guild

Site News

Continued Move…

If you haven’t noticed, over the last day I’ve had technical difficulties that have essentially shut the site down. This isn’t entirely surprising considering the move, but frustrating none the less. I did get the site transfered to my own server as I mentioned. One thing that I’ve noticed from moving is that some features…Continue readingContinued Move…