
The Horror, The Horror

Ok, there is something wrong, seriously wrong with television when you are essentially FORCED to watch American Idol. I mean good god! Anything but American Idol!!!! In the evenings I like to hang out with my roommate a bit so a lot of the time I will leave my gaming behind for a bit and…Continue readingThe Horror, The Horror

Featured Television

The Lost Room

Well it doesn’t appear that The Lost Room will be picked up by Sci-Fi Channel as an ongoing television series. It is too bad in some sense, it is probably better that way in another. It’s too bad in the sense that they had a really really good story premise. The idea of objects from…Continue readingThe Lost Room


Movie Theaters

They say that movie theaters are losing attendance every year. And they say that one of the main reasons they think this is is because as home theaters get bigger screens, better quality, better sound, that people would just rather stay home than go to a theater. So they do. I find this bull though.…Continue readingMovie Theaters


Best Buy

I was walking through Best Buy the other day and it occured to me that half the store was full of CDs and there were only like 1 or 2 people in the CD section. Meanwhile the movie and game isles was a mere quarter of the size (if that) and each of those had…Continue readingBest Buy


1 vs. 100

I am watching 1 vs. 100, honestly I like the show for the most part. Bob Sagat is great, I think the fact that he spent so many years with America’s Funniest Home Videos, but he really knows how to do this job, he’s good at it. Easily the best of the prime time game…Continue reading1 vs. 100


Thank God for Peter Jackson

The career of Peter Jackson looks to be muddled at best. He did great with the Lord of the Rings trilogy but bombed with King Kong. And now there is the whole business with the Halo movie where he is going to produce it not direct it and he wants more money than any studio…Continue readingThank God for Peter Jackson