
Sims 2: Pets

Overall, I’m a bit disappointed by the expansion as a whole. I love the pets themselves, I think that Maxis did a great job with implementing them with their own DNA, and oh my god the number of breeds included is just astonishing! You can really get some unique looking pets and you can get exactly what pet you are looking for!Continue readingSims 2: Pets


Word of the Day

If you have a home portal and are looking into writing as a living. I’d suggest adding a word of the day to your portal. I use NetVibes as my portal and it was actually hard for me to find a decent word of the day as they apparantly didn’t have any in their list…Continue readingWord of the Day


Improv Everywhere: We Cause Scenes

I recently heard of a comedy troop called Improv Everywhere. What they do is go around in public and have these artificial scenes. They do have some that require just a few people, but I think the really good ones involve a large number of people. One example is they took something like 60 people…Continue readingImprov Everywhere: We Cause Scenes


Another stab at it

Ok here is my second stab at putting video on the site through WordPress. This time it is Bill O’Reilly attempting to know more than David Letterman, this shouldn’t be that hard.Continue readingAnother stab at it

Gaming Goals Life

Online Personals

Today was a bit of a waste. I basically used the day to de-stress from what was a pretty hectic week. I played Civ 4 most of the day playing around with the religious aspect of the day as I was told by some classmates that you could really do quite well with the religions.Continue readingOnline Personals


Choosing First Novel Topic

I thought I would post today about how I went about choosing the topic for my first novel. I have dozens of ideas for novels, as I am sure any aspiring writer would have, and this was actually quite a difficult task. The first thing that I think that you need to do for your…Continue readingChoosing First Novel Topic