Classes Gaming


So I am taking a virtual worlds class this semester and I was really excited about it. Last semester I talked to the prof about the class and she said that people could choose any MMO they wanted to play, but they must play one. Well, now she has decided that you must play either…Continue readingWoWeee


Nintendo’s Wii Strategy

I’ve talked about the Wii quite a bit in previous posts, but yesterday I listened to the AllGames Interactive podcast where Scot Rubin was whining about the lack of online play on the Wii. And that got me thinking about the Wii’s strategy. Nintendo learned alot on how to market their product with the DS.…Continue readingNintendo’s Wii Strategy


How Microsoft is shooting themselves in the foot

When Microsoft launched the idea of Vista. They named it as a way to bring games back to the PC. Not a bad idea for them at all, as games are what generally drive the PC market. If not for games, there would be very little reason for anyone to upgrade their OS from Windows 95.Continue readingHow Microsoft is shooting themselves in the foot


Chicago excursion

Over the weekend my roommate and I went to Chicago for a one night stay. We really just needed to get out of town, both as a way to relax and get away from every day life, and as sort of one last thing to do before I went back to school today. We left…Continue readingChicago excursion


The Horror, The Horror

Ok, there is something wrong, seriously wrong with television when you are essentially FORCED to watch American Idol. I mean good god! Anything but American Idol!!!! In the evenings I like to hang out with my roommate a bit so a lot of the time I will leave my gaming behind for a bit and…Continue readingThe Horror, The Horror

Gaming Medical

Random Stuff

Well this week’s Hep C injection didn’t go anywhere near as disasterous as last week’s. This week the injection site didn’t bruise at all, compared with last week’s gameboy size bruise, I’m quite pleased. I didn’t have hot or cold flashes, I felt a little achey but no where near as bad as last week.…Continue readingRandom Stuff