
Lego Batman Review

Well the last couple of my posts haven’t been about games so I decided today to get back on track with a review of [amazonify]B000ZKBJYG::text::::Lego Batman[/amazonify]. I had actually gotten this game a few weeks ago but I put off playing it because I was busy with work, and then I needed to give myself…Continue readingLego Batman Review


Bean Sprouts

Bean Sprouts is a new restaurant here in Madison that was designed with children in mind. In this iteration of a Kid’s restaurant, the developers went with a different approach to what places like McDonald’s. They wanted to create a place for kids that had healthy food that would somehow get kids to eat their veggies whether they knew it or not, often pureeing the vegetables and mixing it in the sauces so that it couldn’t be detected.Continue readingBean Sprouts


Favre and the Packers

I don’t think we talk about Favre enough so I thought I’d add to the growing debate about whether the Packers would have done better with Favre this year than they did with Rodgers.  It is just as easy to give the QB all the blame when things go bad as it is to give the QB all the credit when things go good.Continue readingFavre and the Packers


Heroes Volume 3 Review

There has been much talk around the net about how the third season fell into many of the same traps that the second season had. That it really wasn’t much better than the second season. I’m not entirely sure of this.Continue readingHeroes Volume 3 Review

Site News

WordPress 2.7

I recently went and upgraded the Wordpress I use to 1.7 even though it still isn’t completely out of testing. The main reason why I decided to make the move is because I’m sick of updating WordPress and finally in 1.7 they are allowing for automatic updating which thus far having already used it once, it is a complete dream! You can also automatically install plugins which makes that process a little easier as well.Continue readingWordPress 2.7


$OE Strikes Again

Sony Online Entertainment announced their new micro-transaction model for both Everquest and Everquest 2 recently, deciding to take American MMORPGs in an entirely new direction. I can’t say that anyone in particular was surprised by the move. Sony has long been on the forefront at finding new ways to charge MMO players more money than they already were paying.Continue reading$OE Strikes Again