

A couple of months ago, I discovered a new web-game called Travian. The game in essence is like Civilization or some other type of city building game, complete with the war aspect. Only this one is like an MMO in that the other civilizations are controlled by other players and it is online only. This…Continue readingTravian

Site News

Couple more new things

Over the last few days I worked on adding some more features. Of course I added another google skyscraper add to the very bottom of the right column, this one will always be at the bottom, and will only appear on the front page, search pages, and archives. The next addition I’ve done is that…Continue readingCouple more new things

Goals Writing

Back into Writing

It is kind of difficult getting back into writing. This blog is kind of part of that as much of it is really nothing more than actually sitting down and taking the time to write every day. In addition to this, I have tried to at least look and think of my book a little…Continue readingBack into Writing

Featured Gaming

Another Raiding Guild

So feeling a little ripped off about my previous guild ending before we really got the chance to go raiding, I decided to start applying to other, more established raiding guilds to at least be able to go and see the raids occur, see the zones, and at least get some loot. I tried a…Continue readingAnother Raiding Guild


Sweeney Todd & Across the Universe

Over the last few weeks I got to see both of these musicals in the theaters and was torn on both of them.Continue readingSweeney Todd & Across the Universe

Family Life

Presents ’07!

With the commotion over the website move and the dismemberment of my raiding guild I nearly neglected to give an update on my presents from X-mas this year. So from my friend I got Battlestar Gallactica season 1, a Battlestart Gallactica Calendar, and a Nstromo N52 Speedpad. None of this was really a surprise as…Continue readingPresents ’07!