
Writing Update #2

It’s been awhile since I’ve updated about my writing. I’ve been failing a little more at it. Last week I started avoiding it, and this week work and play has gotten in the way. All the while I have found blocks in and out.

It’s been awhile since I’ve updated about my writing. I’ve been failing a little more at it. Last week I started avoiding it, and this week work and play has gotten in the way. All the while I have found blocks in and out.

I don’t really know what was up with last week. I was looking for any reason I could to not write. I think it had to do with some small blocks of not knowing what to do next in the book. I found myself playing a lot of games when I should have been concentrating on writing. I gotta tell you, game playing in no way helps you out in the realm of writing. It completely blanks out my thoughts and consumes much of my time without any realization. This is something I really need to resist in the future.

This week, work got in the way. On Tuesday, I did my normal Gaming Night with the guys which led me to being tired on Wednesday. But the bigger problem was that I realized that Friday I had an appointment to go to and that put me into working 10 hour days on both Wednesday and Thursday.  This essentially took my 2 hours a day and made me extremely tired so that I couldn’t even make an attempt at catching one hour.

I’ve also been going out to shows and movies with friends a little more recently than I usually would and this has cut into my writing time as well. I try to make up this time as best as I can, but when I am coming home at 10:30 at night, there really is no avoiding skipping the session.

Yesterday I did get back into it a little more. I wrote some pretty hard stuff. It only amounted to about 200 words but like I said… it was hard to write. I would write a few sentences and then just blank out and then repeat.

The last couple of weeks hasn’t been a complete waste. There have been times of outstanding successes that I never would have guessed coming. For instance, last Friday I got a session in where I hit over 1000 words in an hour. This was my first 1000 word/hour  session where I was actually writing for my book.[1. I often do 1000 words in an hour for my blog, but very rarely for the book, in fact this has been the only time to date.] This did roll over into more sessions where I did 700 words, but I wasn’t able to quite hit 1000 again. Still I was very proud of myself, this was quite a landmark for myself.

Going forward, I am hoping to get back into it. This morning I was able to work on my blog in the time frame. But for tonight’s session, I intend on completely getting back into writing the book.

Here’s my update:
My Goal 100,000 words, current words: 7,242. End Date: 6/14/2012.