Goals Writing

Back into Writing

It is kind of difficult getting back into writing. This blog is kind of part of that as much of it is really nothing more than actually sitting down and taking the time to write every day. In addition to this, I have tried to at least look and think of my book a little every day to try to get a better idea of where to go with it.

Still it is difficult, all I want to do is sit around and enjoy my time off, I don’t want to spend it doing crap that is serious. In the end, I just need to keep telling myself it is for my own good that I am doing it. After all, if I can sell a book or two, this can be my career and when all is said and done, this career I think would be very conducive to both my personality as well as my disease so if I can keep it going it would really benefit my life. And I don’t want to get a job out of Target….