Classes Gaming

Weekly Response #1

I thought it might be fun to post my weekly responses for my Virtual World Studies class. I think they will mostly take the form of my current journeys in World of Warcraft, but may also take the form of what responses on what we are reading and thoughts in classContinue readingWeekly Response #1

Classes Gaming


So I am taking a virtual worlds class this semester and I was really excited about it. Last semester I talked to the prof about the class and she said that people could choose any MMO they wanted to play, but they must play one. Well, now she has decided that you must play either…Continue readingWoWeee


Nintendo’s Wii Strategy

I’ve talked about the Wii quite a bit in previous posts, but yesterday I listened to the AllGames Interactive podcast where Scot Rubin was whining about the lack of online play on the Wii. And that got me thinking about the Wii’s strategy. Nintendo learned alot on how to market their product with the DS.…Continue readingNintendo’s Wii Strategy

Gaming Medical

Random Stuff

Well this week’s Hep C injection didn’t go anywhere near as disasterous as last week’s. This week the injection site didn’t bruise at all, compared with last week’s gameboy size bruise, I’m quite pleased. I didn’t have hot or cold flashes, I felt a little achey but no where near as bad as last week.…Continue readingRandom Stuff



I have kind of gotten lax on this blog as of late and feel that I need to re-commit myself to it. I have still probably been getting my 600 words a day, however I do want to keep this blog more up to date. A lot of things have been going on though. I…Continue readingLax


Wii thoughts

Well I’ve had a bit of time to play around with the Wii so I thought I’d share my thoughts like everyone else seems to. This review actually took a couple days to write so sorry it took so long.Continue readingWii thoughts