Game Design MMORPGs

Player vs. Player in MMOs

PvP is kind of a touchy subject in MMORPGs. Most MMOs have it in some format or another, but more often than not, it is left behind in the wayside. This is largely due to the mistakes that were made in early Ultima Online history where it was more profitable to kill other players than…Continue readingPlayer vs. Player in MMOs

Game Design

Cartographer’s Annual ’07 part 3

After well over a year, I finally decided to finish off this series, and yes I do plan on doing reviews on the next three annuals after this. For those needing a refresher course, ProFantasy makes a software sweet for cartographers to make their own maps, be it for video games, pen and paper RPGs,…Continue readingCartographer’s Annual ’07 part 3

Game Design

Gamey vs. Realistic MMORPGs

I have been thinking a lot of MMORPG design of late. A lot of this design thought has really made me thinking of the gaminess of online games. I personally have always been a fan of realism in my MMOs over gaminess. So personally, from a systems point of view, I prefer Ultima Online over…Continue readingGamey vs. Realistic MMORPGs

Game Design

Micro-transactions and the Modern MMO

I recently began the beta test of Champions Online, I will likely have my own preview before it goes live before September 1 when it launches. However, one of the things that they are touting with CO is the ability to purchase new costume outfits with real money. Supposedly this is a way to be…Continue readingMicro-transactions and the Modern MMO

Game Design

You Can’t Always Get What You Want

I’ve been reading up a lot on Google of late. There have been many things of note that I have really taken from them as a company and some of the theories that they work off of. In particular, I have found it astonishing to see how well it seems that what Google does carries…Continue readingYou Can’t Always Get What You Want

Game Design

Races in MMORPGs

I have been thinking about the races that I would allow players in my game a lot of late, and at the same time I have been reading a book based in the Eberron world. The thing that I really like about the Eberron world in general is that you go to a city and…Continue readingRaces in MMORPGs